Tip totals report

Generate this report to see tip totals in the current batch for a specific date or for the entire batch. You can request tip totals for one or more individual clerks or for all clerks.

Note:  Tip totals are cleared when your batch is closed.  If you need the tip totals report, be sure to print it before batch close.


On the Main menu, tap Reports > Transactions > Tip Totals.

Respond to any security prompts that appear.

The Tip Totals search screen appears.

Tap the Select Type field to display the drop-down list, then tap the type of search you wish to perform.

Tap Date to see tip totals for transactions processed on a specific date in the current batch.

To enter or change the date, tap the date field, key in a new date using the terminal keypad, and tap OK.

Tap Entire Batch to see tip totals for all transactions in the current batch.

Tap OK to continue.

The terminal displays the list of all clerks.

Select the clerks to be included in the report:

For one or more individual clerks, tap the associated toggle to include them ; OR

For all clerks, tap the toggle for All Clerks.  

Tap OK to generate the report.

The terminal displays the report on screen.

If the report extends past the screen, swipe up to see more.

If no clerks were found for the terminal, refer to the Clerk ID setup.

Choose from the following actions.

To print the report, tap Print, or press 1 on the terminal keypad.

To view the report for a different clerk or set of clerks, tap Back.

To clear the screen and return to the Transactions Reports menu, tap OK.