Entering a Tip : Preset Percentage Enabled - Gift

The cardholder follows the terminal prompt shown here:


To enter the preset Tip Percentage:

To enter a different percentage or dollar amount Tip:

To bypass entering a Tip:

1.  The cardholder presses the F1 key (AA%).

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears (amount includes the Tip) .

2.  The cardholder presses OK.

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.

1.  The cardholder presses the F3 key (OTHER).

The ENTER TIP  %  $ prompt appears.

2.  Continue ...

1.  The cardholder presses the Can/Ann key .

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears.

2.  The cardholder presses OK .

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.



Selecting Percentage or Dollar Amount Tip - Gift

The cardholder follows the terminal prompt shown here:


To select "enter-Tip-as-percentage" option:

To select "enter-Tip-as-dollar-amount" option:

To bypass entering a Tip:

1.  The cardholder presses the F1 key (%).

The ENTER TIP PERCENTAGE entry screen appears.

2.  Continue ...

1.  The cardholder presses the F3 key ($).

The ENTER TIP AMOUNT entry screen appears.

2.  Continue ...

1.  The cardholder presses the Can/Ann key.

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears.

2.  The cardholder presses OK.

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.



Entering a Percentage Tip- Gift

The cardholder follows the terminal prompt shown here:


To enter a percentage Tip:

To bypass entering a Tip:

1.  The cardholder keys in a percentage value (replaces displayed value, AA) and presses OK.

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears (amount includes the Tip) .

2.  The cardholder presses OK.

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.


1.  The cardholder presses the Can/Ann key.

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears.

2.  The cardholder presses OK.

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.



Entering a Dollar Amount Tip - Gift

The cardholder follows the terminal prompt shown here:


To enter a dollar amount Tip:

To bypass entering a Tip:

1.  The cardholder keys in a dollar amount and presses OK.

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears (amount includes the Tip) .

2.  The cardholder presses OK.

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.


1.  The cardholder presses the Can/Ann key.

The PURCHASE $#.##-OK? prompt appears.

2.  The cardholder presses OK .

3.  When the RETURN TO CLERK prompt appears, the cardholder returns the terminal to you.

4.     Go back to the "Cardholder Prompts - Gift" procedure.