Gift or Loyalty Card Inquiry

Display or print a Moneris Gift or Loyalty card balance and card status.

To process a gift or loyalty card inquiry:

1.      On the applications menu, select GIFT & LOYALTY.
The message "Activating App..." is displayed, then the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu appears.

2.      Scroll down and select Card Inquiry.
The "Swipe or Enter Card:" prompt appears.

3.      Swipe the gift card or loyalty card.
Key in the gift card number or the loyalty card number and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

The terminal displays the last four digits of the card number.

        If the "Enter CVC:" prompt appears, key in the CVC number and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

        If the "Clerk ID:" prompt appears, key in the Clerk ID and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

The "000 Inquiry Complete" prompt appears.

4.      Press the green Green_Key.jpg key.
The terminal displays the Card Balance and Card Status, then the "Press OK key" prompt appears.

5.      Press the green Green_Key.jpg key.
The "Print Receipt?" prompt appears.

6.      Do one of the following:

        To print the receipt, select Yes. The terminal prints the Cardholder copy of the Balance Inquiry receipt.

        To skip printing the receipt, select No.

The terminal returns to the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu.