Gift or Loyalty Card Transaction With a Balance Due

Gift and/or Loyalty card purchases, activations, and reloads can be paid for with more than one payment type to cover transactions where there is a balance due. For example, if the total amount due is $50 and a gift card has only $30 remaining on it, the balance due of $20 can be paid for with cash.

Note: When tipping is enabled for Gift & Loyalty, and the Gift & Loyalty application starts the Debit & Credit application to pay a balance due, the tip prompt will not reappear for the debit/credit transaction.

When the terminal displays the "Balance Due $###.##" message followed by the "Press OK key" prompt:

1.       Press the green Green_Key.jpg key.
The "Select Payment For Balance Due" prompt appears.

2.       Use the function keys to select the payment type:

        For payment by debit or credit card, select DbCr.

        For payment by gift card, select Gift.

        For payment by cash, select Cash.

The terminal displays "Approved" and "Tear Receipt Press OK key" and prints the Cardholder copy of the receipt.

3.       Tear the Cardholder copy of the receipt and press the green Green_Key.jpg key to print the Merchant copy of the receipt.

4.       If you selected:

        DbCr: The terminal begins a purchase transaction (debit or credit) beginning at the "Amount: $0.00" prompt.

        Gift: The terminal begins a gift card purchase transaction beginning at the "Total Amount: $0.00" prompt.

        Cash: The transaction is complete. The terminal returns to the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu.

The transaction is completed when the balance due is $0.